Tecan tarafından siz değerli araştırmacılarımıza yönelik olarak hücre kültürü biyolojisindeki çalışma prosedürleri temel alınarak; 2D ve 3D hücre kültürü, hücre ayırımı ve transfeksiyonu, hücre toksisitesi ve fenotipik tarama konularında 22 Kasım tarihinde Türkiye saati ile 11:00 – 12:00 ve 18:00 – 19:00 saatleri arasında webinar düzenlecektir. Size uygun olan saat dilimindeki oturuma katılımınızdan mutluluk duyarız. Webinarla ilgili detaylı bilgiyi ve katılım için kayıt linkini aşağıda bilgilerinize sunuyoruz.
Dear Researcher
There is currently a trend towards providing an “enriched” understanding of the biological processes involved in every aspect of cell and tissue biology.
Regardless if it is for the understanding of the mode-of-action of a drug or an ex vivo study for personalized medicine treatment, the use of cell-based assays to ensure greater biological relevance is becoming the new standard.
A cell based assay helps to provide a better understanding of how biochemical activity translates into in vitro efficacy and, combined with early
research toxicity testing, which compounds have the best chances for subsequent drug development.
An ex vivo study provide immediate, phenotypic, biologically relevant data that combined with genetic and clinical evidences are crucial for subsequent in vivo treatments
As such, there is an evident need for new technologies which allow the generation of reliable, high quality biologically relevant data.
This webinar showcases a range of technologies, applications, products and workflow solutions which will bring more robustness to your data.
It will cover topics related to: 2D&3Dcell culture, cell separation and transfection, cell toxicity and phenotypic screening.
Register here to get first hand-information on innovative workflow solutions for cell biology processes:
The webinar will take place on November 22th on two times: 9-10am CEST and 4-5pm CEST.
Both times are options in the registration drop-down list in the link above.
We welcome you to this webinar
Dear Researcher
There is currently a trend towards providing an “enriched” understanding of the biological processes involved in every aspect of cell and tissue biology.
Regardless if it is for the understanding of the mode-of-action of a drug or an ex vivo study for personalized medicine treatment, the use of cell-based assays to ensure greater biological relevance is becoming the new standard.
A cell based assay helps to provide a better understanding of how biochemical activity translates into in vitro efficacy and, combined with early
research toxicity testing, which compounds have the best chances for subsequent drug development.
An ex vivo study provide immediate, phenotypic, biologically relevant data that combined with genetic and clinical evidences are crucial for subsequent in vivo treatments
As such, there is an evident need for new technologies which allow the generation of reliable, high quality biologically relevant data.
This webinar showcases a range of technologies, applications, products and workflow solutions which will bring more robustness to your data.
It will cover topics related to: 2D&3Dcell culture, cell separation and transfection, cell toxicity and phenotypic screening.
Register here to get first hand-information on innovative workflow solutions for cell biology processes:
The webinar will take place on November 22th on two times: 9-10am CEST and 4-5pm CEST.
Both times are options in the registration drop-down list in the link above.
We welcome you to this webinar