quality_aspects_on_ige_antibody_testing.pdf |
Web sayfamız yenilerek hizmete girmiştir. Bize ulaşmak için İletişim sayfamızdaki formu kullanabilirsiniz. Tecan Webinar DavetiClinical Microbiology - Empowered with Tecan
Dear Lab Manager A growing emergence of antimicrobial resistance is currently challenging the health-care field in many countries worldwide. Antimicrobial resistance is becoming more and more relevant due to several reasons, overuse and misuse of antibiotics and their improper disposal into the environment being among the main ones. The result is an increasing risk for treatment failure, that ultimately leads to more deaths and higher social costs. Therefore, new methods have been developed to improve the workflow in the microbiology laboratories, to help the clinicians in speeding up the process from sample collection through resistance diagnosis to treatment. Mass spectrometry-based microbial identification and optimized tests for antibiotic susceptibility is one of the promising new methods. Thereby, automation plays a key role to improve the quality of results, to track sample information and to decrease the likelihood of manual error. This webinar will present the automated solutions that Tecan has developed together with specialized partners to streamline the workflow in microbiology labs. Topics will range from automated colony picking to mass spec MALDI spotting, to sample preparation for antibiotic susceptibility testing and data tracking. Register here to get first hand-information on innovative workflow solutions for microbiology processes: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/rt/2510681303259304962 The webinar will take place on Tuesday November 15th on two times: 9-10am CEST and 4-5pm CEST. Both times are options in the registration drop-down list in the link above. Both webinars will be identical. We welcome you to this webinar. |
Mayıs 2018
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